The Best Party Games

The best games to get your party started. What’s a pre-game without games?

Whether it’s a pregame for a night out or a calm night in with your friends, here are the best top five party games to try at your next house gathering:


Stack cup is a fast and competitive game that includes everyone at the pregame. Stack cup is played by putting a number of red solo cups, usually equal to the number of players in the game, on a table in front of each player. Each player fills their cup up, and pours some of their drink in the middle cup, combining all of them to make what is usually a disgusting mixture (The “bitch” cup). Two people will start off with a ball and attempt to bounce it into the solo cup in front of them that is empty. Once they get the ball inside the cup, the cup is passed to the player to the right of them to continue the game. If the person next to you gets their ball in before you do, your cups become stacked, making it more difficult to get the ball into the cup. If person who ends up with the stack of cups when there is one drink left on the table misses getting the ball into their cup before the person next to them, they have to drink the mixed drink full to the top that’s left on the table. 


Everyone knows the timeless party game of pong. You start by grabbing a partner. One tip when picking a partner: Pick one with good aim so that you have a better chance of winning.  Pong allows you to team up with your best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or even better: someone you don’t know. The game is played by setting up 10 cups in a triangle shape at both ends of a pong table, but a normal dining room table will work as well. Pong is generally played by teams of two in which each team takes a turn throwing a ping pong ball into the other team's cups. Once a ball lands in a cup, the cup is taken away and the opponent then drinks whatever is in their cup. Whichever team gets rid of all the opponents cups first wins. The winning team plays again with whoever is up next until they lose.


We’re not really strangers calls for more of a chill wine night. A perfect opportunity for new friends, if you’re on a date, or even to get to know your best friends even better.  “We’re Not Really Strangers” is a card game that asks three levels of questions. They allow you to take your friendships and/or relationships deeper. There is a caution notice on the game that feelings may arise! It’s definitely more of an intimate game. 

We're Not Really Strangers-$25


Flip cup is a fun and fast-paced game that can bring in as many people as you’d like! Split into two teams on either side of a table. One by one, go down the line and drink, beginning on one end of the table to the other, while you race your friend across from you to flip the cup upside down. Whichever team finishes first wins, and the game starts over from the beginning at the opposite side of the table that you started on.


Kings allows a variety of different things to do depending on what card you pull. It’s also inclusive and gets everyone at the pregame excited for the night ahead. To play, a deck of cards is spread out face down around an unopened can of alcohol or a non-alcoholic drink. Each turn, every player picks up a card and reads the number out loud. Each number is associated with a rule:

the rules

1: Ace: Waterfall - Every player begins drinking, and no one can stop until the player before them does

2: You - Whoever drew the card assigns a drink

3: Me - Whoever drew the card drinks

4: Floor - Everyone races to touch the floor, last person to do so drinks

5: Guys - All guys drink

6: Chicks - All girls drink

7: Heaven - All players point towards the sky, last player to do so drinks

8: Mate - Pick a person to drink with

9: Rhyme - Say a word, and everyone else must say a word that rhymes

10: Categories - Pick a category, and say something from that category

Jack: Never have I ever

Queen: Questions - The person who drew the card asks a random person a question and if they answer it, they have to drink 

King: Ruler - Make a rule that everyone must follow until the next King is drawn


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