Trick or Treat with the Greeks

The University of South Carolina hosted its 17th annual Trick or Treat with the Greeks on October 25th. Children of USC faculty and people in the surrounding areas participated in the event. They walked around USC’s Greek Village and went up to each Greek house where they were given candy by the students.

The Greek organization was engaged and invested with the children as they not only handed out candy but decorated the houses and made everyone who attended feel welcomed.

Photo by Hannah Flint

Mark Smith, the President of Beta Theta Phi had much to say about the event. “Last year a video of us went viral on Barstool Sports of one of the children coming up and sort of flashing his wand towards us. We all fell down and that was just sort of a good way to rally all of the brothers. The energy was really high and we got really excited going into this year,” Smith said. Smith had a positive outlook on the event and stated,” We tried to step up our game a little bit so we added a banner and some more candy and decorations. It's something the guys have really done a really good job with getting together and getting excited about. A lot of the times the news you see some bad stuff we try to be a good face of Greek life and show all the positives of Greek life can bring.”

Photo by Hannah Flint

Dashani Price, a junior and a member of the Theta Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, was willing to describe her experience at the event. Her sorority was partnered with Delta Delta Delta that evening. “As far as Tri Delta and Sigma Chi they dress up as mermaids and allow the trick or treaters to come and spray them. We also had a whole bunch of candy and were standing on the corners and were just making sure we are all smiles and everything,” Price said “Some of us also dressed up as well to make everyone feel comfortable,” and “truly make sure they have a good time.” She describes the benefits of the event “brings everyone together... especially for USC because the 9 divine [partnered up with] frats and sororities gives the opportunity to mingle, introduce ourselves and get to know each other. Community wise it brings everyone together, meet new people and see some new faces,” Price also said.

As much as it benefited the Greek organizations, the community is always pleased with the event. Many families participated in the event and even brought USC alumni back to their roots.

Photo by Hannah Flint

Rebecca Gillespie is a Zeta Tau Alpha alumni at the University. This is her second year going to the event stating, “My kids love it and fell in love with it last year. We came back this year and the most fun that they have is seeing where I lived for two years in the Zeta house.“ Gillespie talked about her experience in Greek life as well and how it is important to see the important aspects the community brings. She states, “When I was in Greek life we were trying to do our best to show the positive things that the Greek community can offer and especially this event gets the community involved. I think it is a really positive experience.” Her positive feedback did not stop there as Gillespie says, ”In Fact I reached out last year after the event to the head of Greek life and made sure they understood how important this event is to our family.”

Trick or treat with the Greeks was a success with every fraternity and sorority in Greek village participating in the event. Smiles and joy were on children's faces and truly brought the Greek organization together with their own community and the city of Columbia.

Photo by Hannah Flint


xoxo, usc’s gossip girl


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