Sunday Scaries Vol. 2

The night of my 21st birthday I got an enormous number of free drinks and shots, and about 30 minutes after entering the bar with my real ID for the first time, I lost my memory and blackout completely. While all of my friends were at the bar, I still managed to go home with some random man that I talked to once. I woke up and turned to the side to see him in my bed, on his phone at 8:00am and had to literally cover my mouth from screaming.

Right after this, my sweet stepdad comes to bring me cookies for my birthday and I have to run him upstairs to my roommates room until I could drive him home, thinking my dad would only be there for a second. Knowing how dads are, he took every bit of 30 minutes trying to scrub a scratch off my car from where I wrecked in the bull street parking garage. I had to sit upstairs with the guy for 30 minutes while not remembering anything from the night before. I realized I didn’t even know his last name or how I had met him. That night, my friends sent me a video of my tongue down his throat outside Breakers in the middle of the bar. It had been sent in several group chats. Me and the guy have been seeing each other ever since.


Sunday Scaries Vol. 3


Sunday Scaries Vol. 1